Category: Front Page

Automatic online backup with history

Six years ago I wanted to make an automatic online backup with history of all script files on the shared work computer. The caveats were: It must be automatic. I can not relay on anyone performing any action. It must be user friendly as in any user with basic IT knowledge must be able to …

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How to connect to Energenie EG-UPS-002 UPS via USB?

Intro Because I apparently live in a third world part of my country, I experience a power outage almost every week. Currently it is not that bad, but in the fall, there was a month with at least 4 outages. Most of them last only a couple of seconds, but enough to restart my computer …

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Web trackers

Screenshot of Camparison

It has been my longtime wish to make a web tracker, that tracks changes on a given webpage. I tried doing things like that in the past, most successfully with tracking the progress of TeamTrees some years ago. My interest was renewed with the launch of TeamSeas this fall. With this stuff, one must be …

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How to mark weekends with plotBands in HighCharts

So you have a plot y vs time and you want to denote different days of a week with plotBands. The only problem is, you want to do it dynamically, only from the beginning of your data to the end. Welcome to my world a couple of days ago. This is surely built in to …

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I made a new webpage! It displays all cold atoms groups in the world. Background I worked in a cold atoms laboratory at Jožef Stefan Institute in 2016, where they cool Caesium atoms to nano Kelvins above absolute zero. I was wondering, how many other labs have cold Caesium atoms, but couldn’t find a …

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Christmas Tree Lights

Last Christmas (2016) I wanted to make custom lights for a Christmas Tree but ran out of time. This Christmas (2017) I succeeded. The idea The idea was to use an Arduino to power WS2812 LED strips. WS2812 are RGB LEDs with an included microprocessor, that allows you to control all of them with a …

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I started a science and tech blog.

Hi there. I started a science and tech blog (this thing that you are reading now). The main goal of this platform is to give me more motivation to finish (side) projects (like this website) and to write about them. Planned projects include (but aren’t limited to) things to do with Arduino, Raspberry Pi, programming, …

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