More will be added I start using them. sudo systemctl restart something.service
Category: Notes from Me to Me
WordPress Anchors
Link to a specific part of the post The how-to should be explained here This post is intended to test the functionality. Second heading Filler text Third heading ΒΆ The url for third heading should be the post + #third-heading. What sucks about it, that nothing about this is automatic. You need to manually …
L298N Motor Driver
I have several L298N Motor Drivers, that are different. Because the L298N is just the chip, but the boards then have capacitors and diodes and stuff, that make the use easier. I decided that the biggest is the best, as it has a heatsink, that gets hot when there is 2A flowing through it (5-7V). …
Remove 5 second startup delay on Digispark
This worked after I tried a lot of options that did not work. Everyone was talking about some files named “deuxvis-1.05-digispark-d5-progbutton.hex” or “micronucleus-1.06-jumper-v2” or similar, but in the end, what worked was (assuming drivers for Digispark are already installed i.e. you are able to install software on digispark the normal way). Get micronucleus. Drag main.hex …
How to program LilyPad Nano (LilyTiny?)
The board is not necessarily called LilyPad Nano. The board I have looks like this and was bought at (Aliexpress – non-affiliate link). You upload to it exactly the same as to Digispark (Probably also need the same drivers, I did not need any additional driver). Including the annoying 5 second timeout (you need to …
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